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Let The Adventure Begin


After what seemed like an eternity, Tuesday, May 2nd finally arrived. I was up at 1 a.m. and after a tearful goodbye with Mom, my friend Jay loaded my life into his car and we drove off into the darkness. An hour later we arrived at Tampa International. With one final hug and goodbye it was time for my new life to begin.

The past few months have been filled with many goodbyes and see ya laters. There were bon voyage parties, two or three last sailboat races with Team Silver Streak and more tears than I can count. Who knew a simple life change would be so emotional? LOL

A plethora of emotions were pulsing through my body and brain as I awaited my flight. Obviously I was beyond excited to see Dan and start our life together but there were so many wonderful friends and family I was leaving behind. And of course there was the nervousness of meeting Dan’s family for the first time. Twice before boarding the plane I found myself in the restroom in tears….some were happy, some sad but many fell. No regrets, just a lot of emotion that needed a place to escape.

I arrived in San Diego without any issues. Both flights went smoothly and we even landed a little ahead of time. Dan met me at baggage claim. I can’t begin to tell you how good it was to see his smiling face. I arrived with a note pinned to my shirt from my family…

He read it and immediately sent a message to Mom. “Lo Siento, no comprende.” (I’m sorry, I don’t understand.) I love my guy’s sense of humor. The car was so loaded down I wasn’t sure my stuff would fit but Dan made it work.

From the airport we were off to run errands. First to Bed, Bath and Beyond for some silicone ice cube trays. Then the most important errand of the day. Dan had to take me for my first In & Out Burger….animal style. It was amazing! If you ever get a chance to go there…DO IT!

Once our errands were done we headed to Oceanside to meet Dan’s sister and family.  I had a great time meeting them. His sister, Tina, is awesome! I love her to death. We sat in the garage tipping a few cold ones watching as Dan unpacked and repacked the car. You literally couldn’t put another thing in it! Of course we would have been okay if we didn’t have all the stuff for SV Karvi! But what can you do? They are family so you have to help them out. LOL. We had a wonderful evening and I was truly exhausted. All in all I was up almost 24 straight hours but it was worth each and very second.

On Wednesday we went south again to Shelter Island. We took the Pacific Coast Highway. Dan wanted to make sure I got a chance to see it.

It was so beautiful. I love the ocean but my whole life I’ve been on the east coast….flat shores and beach. To see cliffs next to the shore was awesome. Upon our arrival at Shelter Island we checked into our motel and then it was off to finish up our provisioning. Errands were completed and my honey rewarded me with a quick tour around the island followed by a snack and a couple of beers at the Bali Hai. Wow! What a cool place with amazing views!

That night we had dinner with two of Dan’s daughters, Carrie and Lindsay and their guys, Cory and Tyler at Ballast Point in Little Italy. What a wonderful evening getting to know all these great people. Unfortunately it had to end too soon because we had an early morning and long day coming. 3 a.m. was sure to arrive very quickly.

Until next time…

Best Mate, Jilly

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